Extension of qPCR Cycler Validation for HBV 3.0 and HCV 3.0

We are constantly developing our kits! Benefit from a wider range of validated qPCR platforms for our RoboGene HBV DNA Quantification Kit 3.0 and the RoboGene HCV RNA Quantification Kit 3.0.

Roboscreen GmbH has updated the Instruction for use (IFU) of the RoboGene HBV DNA Quantification Kit 3.0 to Revision 3 and the RoboGene HCV RNA Quantification Kit 3.0 to Revision 6. Major update is the extension of the validated qPCR platforms with the Quant Studio 5, RealLine Cycler 48 & 96.


For further information please read the product information and/ or check the respective product sites:

product site            product information
RoboGene HBV DNA Quantification Kit 3.0  PI_Update IFU HBV 3.0 to Rev.3
RoboGene HCV RNA Quantification Kit 3.0 PI_Update IFU HCV 3.0 to Rev.6





Roboscreen RT-PCR