Diagnostic tools for emerging diseases
Founded in 2000, ROBOSCREEN GmbH is a company with a high share of research and development. We focus on diagnostic tests to identify and monitor diseases. Our goal is to provide technical high-quality solutions for simple and affordable diagnostics for use in diagnostic laboratories worldwide.
More about us.

ROBOSCREEN is offering products for diagnostic as well as research purposes focussing on viral pathogens (e.g. Hepatitis C, B and DELTA), nucleic acid extractions and neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer, Parkinson, Creutzfeldt-Jakob and BSE).
For a closer look click here.

Scientific Projects
Within scientific research projects ROBOSCREEN's goal is to develop tools, methods and assays to determine and quantify biological markers under the scope of the respective project. We are able to develop and produce specific monoclonal antibodies and immunological methods. Furthermore our expertise enables us to create highly sensitive molecular biological detection and quantification systems.