Rapid INSTANT Virus RNA/DNA Kit - FX

CE-IvD labeled extraction of viral RNA and DNA


Automated MAG bead based


Up to 96 samples per run in appr. 35 minutes

Intended use

The Rapid INSTANT Virus RNA/DNA Kit - FX is intended for automated purification of viral nucleic acids from cell free fluid biological samples. The Rapid INSTANT Virus RNA/DNA Kit - FX is designed for extraction using the CyBio FeliX Basic Unit in combination with the CyBio FeliX Extraction Set. With a starting volume of 400 µl per specimen a throughput of up to 96 samples is possible at once. The Rapid INSTANT Virus RNA/DNA Kit - FX is optimized for minimal processing time.




Sample volume: 400 µl

Sample specimen: Fresh or frozen cell-free biological fluids (e.g. serum, plasma, sputum, swab supernatant)

Order information

Order No

Kit version description


2x 96 reactions for 400 µl sample volume




Item number


Product Description


Kit size

Necessary laboratory equipment

847-0259200924 Prefilling Set 400 - FX 96 reactions
847-0259200936 Plate Set 400 Rapid - FX 96 reactions
847-FX-TIPS-1000 FX Filter Tips 1000 µl 16 x 96 tips


ATTENTION! Please, check which revision level of the instruction for use applies to your kit. The applicable revision level is indicated on the product label of the kit packaging. You can download the latest version of the IFU here. For older revision levels, please get in contact with us.